A Collection of Scattered Poems

The Phtograph

The Photograph


An old man sits in silence
And there's tear stains on his face
His thoughts have been transported
To another time and place

His brow is deeply furrowed
And the pain shows in his eyes
His grief is deep and endless
It's a grief you can't disguise

He is gazing at a photograph
Of young men brave and strong
It's a stark and cold reminder
How this world sometimes goes wrong

The men are dressed in army 'greens'
With smiles upon their face
They're not here in their homeland
They're in a far off place

They've gone to serve their country
In a war that shouldn't be
And even though we won that war
He lets his tears run free

He puts names to all the faces
As the horror fills his mind
Of the ones so badly wounded
And the ones they left behind

Young men barely in their prime
With so much life to live
They gave their all for country
Til they had nothing left to give

And of the so-called 'lucky ones'
Who managed to survive
Their minds were badly damaged
Though they did come home 'alive'

The grief and horror that they saw
Stole innocence away
Scarred memories that would haunt them
Was the price they had to pay

And many more just like them
Fought on the other side
Some of them we now call friends
Too many young men died

Devoted women also served
To keep our foe at bay
With dignity and courage
Some gave their life away

And the people of our homelands
Still feel the grief and pain
Of the husbands, sons and daughters
That they'll never see again

Their life was snuffed as one would snuff
A flickering candle flame
This terror that we know as 'war'
Is mankind's greatest shame

Their names are carved in history
Note every name with pride
All soldiers died believing
That right was on their side

A world that harbours hatred
Is a world that's filled with war
Each day there's humans dying
And there'll be many more

Fighting wars of bloodshed
Is not a path we choose
It produces so much heartbreak
That even winners lose

But we'll fight on forever
Regardless of the cost
For life is not worth living
In a world where freedom's lost

Oppressive, heartless, tyrants
Treat all war as a game
Yet, except for these delusional freaks
Deep down we're all the same

Love resides in saner hearts
We share the dream of peace
But while fanatics dwell among us
The wars will never cease

Their threats will go unheeded
Though they wave their blood-stained knife
Our resolve will never waver
To protect our way of life

We have democracy and freedom
Of a kind that makes life 'whole'
And a love for God and country
That is deep within our soul

We'll not live neath a tyrant's rule
They'll not tear us apart
For we share a bond that's priceless
We have freedom in our heart

They'll not find fear within us
All fear we rise above
As we defend with pride and honour
This country that we love

The old man's eyes look skyward
And he softly murmurs "Why?"
He asks God for the answer
Why the young should have to die

He has so many photographs
He carries in his head
They're photographs of misery
Of the wounded and the dead

They believed in what they fought for
Through hardship, grief and pain
And he knows that every one of them
Would do it all again

His tired old hands are trembling
And again the teardrops flow
These were men he called his buddies
Why they're gone he'll never know

The young men in his photograph
Have faces filled with pride
Their memory never leaves him
They still walk by his side

And to many more just like them
We have a debt we can't repay
Through their persistence and their valour
We have the life we live today

Their future taken from them
With their manhood just begun
We should remember them with reverence
At the setting of the sun

K.D. Abbott © 2008

Written in memory of a World War II Veteran.
His memories haunted him for the remainder of his life.


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