Old Bonney had a night out The result had caused a stir She was old to be a mother But three pups were born to her The old man felt such sadness This was his dreaded day Though Bonney loved her pups He'd have to give two pups away One pup had a stunted leg His front leg was so small He would keep this little puppy But he couldn't keep them all The puppy seemed quite happy He would not admit defeat But few people choose a puppy That walks on just three feet The old man felt so guilty And he wore a troubled frown He felt to give away two puppies He was letting Bonney down As he hastily wrote a sign He heard the puppies play and yelp He felt so sorry for old Bonney They'd be the last pups she would whelp He looked down with disgust At the sign that he'd been making It wasn't very neat He couldn't stop his hand from shaking Bonney had been with him Since before his wife had died She had always been there for him She had hardly left his side She had gave him such affection With love and loyalty every day He now felt so deceitful To coldly give her pups away With trembling hand and misty eyes He sealed the puppies fate "TWO PUPPIES NEED A KIND HOME" The sign said on the gate He watched the puppies playing They were Bonney's pride and joy Then coming down the street He saw a mother and a boy The mother beamed so proudly At the young boy at her side The old man didn't notice The young boy's slow and halting stride He didn't see the boy was limping He'd just taken a quick glance Perhaps the boy would want a puppy He supposed there was a chance The young boy had a kind face He put the old man's fear at ease "I want a doggy mummy, Could I have a puppy please?" The mother nodded kindly "It depends on this nice man If he says that you can have one Then, yes, of course you can." The old man smiled so broadly The boy had eased his strife These people seemed so kindly The pup would have a happy life The old man called to Bonney And as she trotted through the yard Three small puppies trailed behind her Picking one would be so hard The young boy eyed them closely Then his face lit up with glee "That's the puppy I want mister That little pup was meant for me." "That puppy has a stunted leg." The old man gently said "He can only run real slowly Please pick another one instead." "No, that's the one I want." The boy said in a pleading voice "I know he has a short leg But that puppy is my choice." "Your heart is in the right place." The old man softly said "But your mind must do the thinking Your heart should never rule your head." "The puppy is quite healthy But for a reason I don't know He has a stunted front leg His front leg just doesn't grow." "You want a pup to run with you And though this puppy likes to play He will never run too quickly He'll walk at your side all day." The boy smiled at him kindly "Please sir, I can't run at all Because I contracted polio When I was very small." The boy pulled up his trouser legs With a smile upon his face And the old man sadly noticed On each leg he wore a brace "I'm so sorry." said the old man "I didn't notice you were lame." "Don't feel sorry." Said the young boy "I have a great life just the same." "My life is filled with happiness And I have lots of fun I can do all things like most kids Except I just can't run." "I can't play the boisterous games That most dogs think are grand But this puppy has a short leg So I know he'll understand." "I just want a dog that walks with me Each time that we go out This puppy will be satisfied He won't feel he's missing out." "Please don't look at me with pity I can see it in your eyes And though I know your thoughts are kindly That's a look that I despise." "People only see the way I walk They don't see the real me I have learned to face my problem So I don't need sympathy." "If people thought more deeply They would know right from the start Happiness is not in stature Happiness comes from the heart." "What if my legs are twisted? I still can move my feet I have a loving mum and daddy And my life feels so complete." "Some people let life overcome them They sink in deep despair But most people have a problem We all have a cross to bear." "It could be a body ailment Or just worry causing grief But when we face up to our problem We soon find quick relief." "My mummy takes me walking We go walking every day And we have such deep discussions As we walk along the way." "And as we walk we count our blessings We have heaps of them in store In fact, we have so many blessings I just couldn't ask for more." "I see many worried faces As we're walking through the town If they paused to count their blessings Their worries wouldn't get them down." We shouldn't let our problems beat us We shouldn't wear them on our sleeve Everyone can find true happiness That's a fact that I believe The old man was impressed He found it hard to realise That a young boy of such tender years Could be so very wise "I have one great advantage And I think it's really cool My mummy educates me So I don't have to go to school" "And after I have had my lessons I have another plus My mummy reads and plays with me The day belongs to us" "If you let me have this puppy My heart will swell with pride When I have this little puppy Walking at my side "He wont expect me to go running Because his front leg didn't grow He will accept my limitations Because this little pup will know" "Though we'll never run together We'll have a friendship so divine Because I'll not notice his leg And he'll not notice mine" "As I stroke this little pup I feel the message that he sends He already knows I love him We're going to be the best of friends" The old man nodded slowly "I had doubts at first, it's true But now I know for certain This little pup was born for you" The old man's heart was happy And he didn't hesitate He grasped the sign he'd written And snatched it from the gate "My heart was very heavy But you have shown me what to do Because to rid myself of sadness I'm going to keep the other two" "You said we should count our blessings And I wholeheartedly concur Bonney's gave me love and loyalty I owe so much to her" "Bonney is now growing ancient And one day she will be gone But if I keep her pups here with me Through her pups she will live on" "This day filled me with sadness To give the pups away seemed wrong But you have helped me solve my problem I'm so glad you came along" "You've taught me to face my problem And your wise words will not fade" For the man, the woman, and the boy A new friendship had been made And as the mother and her son Continued down the street The young boy pressed the puppy to his face It was a vision, oh so sweet The old man filled with deep emotion As he watched the three depart A pup, a mother, and a young boy With love and happiness in his heart K.D. Abbott © 2010 |
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