A Collection of Scattered Poems




I am deep in contemplation
And I find it very strange
How this thing we call maturity
evokes such startling change

We pretend that we've grown wiser
But if the truth is told
When we boast of our maturity
It just means we're growing old

The throbbing sound of music
That stirred rhythm in my feet
Now shatters all my senses
I like my music soft and sweet

The rich foods that I cherished
No longer taste so nice
And I find that when I eat them
My stomach pays the price

Age does have disadvantages
But the alternative I know
Because when I cease my ageing
I'll be planted down below

So ageing doesn't bother me
Life has so much to give
I'll accept each day with gratitude
For as long as I may live

And many of life's pleasures
That I once thought rather small
With maturity I've realised
They please me most of all

I am wandering through the city
I've been here just two weeks
And my heart is sadly yearning
For the comfort that it seeks

Business trips to crowded cities
Is a task that I detest
The spacious, scented bushland
Is the haven I love best

It's just another sign of ageing
That cities make me blue
They don't thrill me with excitement
The way they used to do

The sounds of fast lane living
Thrilled my heart in younger years
It now has lost its magic
It just irritates my ears

Crowded city trains and busses
Can produce such violent scenes
You get stomped and squashed and battered
With people packed in like sardines

I stay right away from bustling crowds
When rain clouds fill the sky
A tip from one umbrella
Damn near sailed off with my eye

And if there's no 'Pedestrian Crossing'
In the busy parts of town
You have to be a top class sprinter
Or the 'hoons' will run you down

In my youthful years this challenge
Was a thrill that I'd adore
I could dodge those charging motorists
Like a Spanish matador

But maturity has taught me
I no longer need this thrill
Perhaps I'm not as agile
And I'll end up as 'road kill'

And those over rated beaches
Where the bathing beauties dwell
The sand's too hot, the beach is packed
And the Sand Flies bite like hell

Of course, the city hasn't changed at all
It's the same exciting place
But maturity has taught me
That I need a slower pace

I no longer seek the disco's
Where my young blood used to rage
I find the calmness of the country
More suiting to my age

Shuffling feet on city pavements
Is a sound that my heart dreads
I yearn again for bushland
And the path that nature treads

And when I catch a glimpse of green
I am tempted as I pass
To ignore the sign that warns me

Some would find my lifestyle boring
bringing horror to their eyes
Time spent with my dog and family
Has always been my greatest prize

Maturity has taught me
To obey my heart's request
To savour all the pleasures
That my heart and soul love best

I miss the peaceful scenes of wildlife
Drinking from a cooling stream
Where the dancing rays of sunshine
Adorn each ripple with a gleam

To meander through the forest
Beneath its towering canopy
Where the song of birds in chorus
Seem to echo from each tree

And when evening shadows deepen
And the sun is out of sight
I watch the creatures of the day
Give way to creatures of the night

And in these precious moments
I love to take in nature's sights
With the moon and stars to guide me
And not fluorescent lights

I love springtime in the mountains
When the stars are all aglow
And the moon reveals the beauty
Of the melting winter snow

And paddling down the river
Is a thing I love to do
To view the river's beauty
From my trusty old canoe

Maturity is a state of mind
It's so hard to define
It can start when you're just forty
Or with some, at ninety nine

It's just another stage of 'living'
And you don't have to be real smart
To know that life will still be wonderful
While you stay young at heart

Maturity brings enlightenment
That's one thing that I've found
You get to know yourself more clearly
And keep both feet on the ground

I can't stand pretentious people
Or the prattle their talk brings
I would prefer my old dog's company
To the company of kings

And while I walk the city's pavement
With every step I tread
I reflect on my maturity
As these thoughts swirl through my head

And again my thoughts remind me
That whether young or old
Each day that we spend 'living'
Is a treasure of pure gold

I wont waste one precious moment
On things that might have been
My life has had its sadness
But my pastures have stayed green

Though at times we hit a 'dry' spot
I've found without a doubt
In time there comes a cooling rain
To wash away the drought

Maturity holds pleasures
That the young will someday know
For time can not be halted
The years of youth too quickly go

And though many think the loss of youth
Is such a fearful cost
Except the bird of youth is moulting
So little has been lost

If we forget about our ageing
And live each day to its extreme
We will enjoy so many pleasures
And live a life that's still supreme

K.D. Abbott © 2009

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