and his dog, Buddy.
On a lonely city sidewalk Clothed by shadows of the night A small pup sits there whimpering Away from human sight Cars are roaring down the street They sound so full of rage Traffic can be frightening When you're just four months of age And only a few blocks away Far from the puppies view A young boy broken hearted Sobs out his misery, too. Though he fears his heart is breaking The boy has memories to recall He softly fondles his pup's treasures Some ragged toys and a chewed ball The young boy won't find sleep He will have a restless night And as he thinks about his little dog He prays with all his might At seven years of age The heart feels anguish and such pain To think the little pup he loved so much He'll never see again Although it now seemed long ago It happened yesterday The front gate was left open And the puppy ran away The puppy didn't mean to wander He'd never been outside their gate Now, he missed his master badly The little boy was his soul mate When he'd found the gate left open He decided to explore A whole big world was beckoning He had never seen before The sights and scents entrancing He didn't mean to roam But all too late he realised He could not find his way home His tired head rested on his paws As he thought about the day A great big dog had chased him That's when he lost his way Then he thought he'd ask directions From a friendly looking cat But what if the cat turned nasty? He couldn't take a chance on that And then that fearful moment In this very dangerous town A car coming from a driveway Had nearly run him down This world seemed so enormous It filled his heart with fright His little body trembled He'd never been alone at night The buildings looked so monstrous They made him feel so small If he was just a little shorter There'd be none of him at all Why pups are born so small Was a thing he couldn't figure He kept looking at his shadow Because that made him feel much bigger He heard two cats meowing And it scared the little pup If those cats should chance to find him They might decide to chew him up When he saw a street dog coming He was sure his fate was cast But the street dog didn't notice him It simply trotted past This world was out to get him He was positive of that If a street dog didn't get him He'd be chewed up by a cat If a dog or cat should chase him He wouldn't get too far If he tried to cross the road He'd be skittled by a car At four months this world is frightening When you're lost and so forlorn He was hungry and exhausted And his little pads were worn In just one single day He had faced so many trials And he was sure within his heart He'd walked at least two hundred miles In his mind he saw his master Sleeping safely in his bed He should be snuggled there beside him But now he faced a life of dread When the family named him Buddy He had been so very proud He had ran around the house and yard Barking it out loud But now he felt despondent And he realised with shame He would never hear another voice Call him by his name Daylight played upon his face He awoke with great alarm Some strange man had captured him And clasped him in his arm Although Buddy struggled fiercely This was a most determined man And at length he placed poor Buddy In the back of a small van Of course, Buddy couldn't know then When he was captured by this stranger The man who held him prisoner Was an S.P.C.A. ranger Meanwhile, Buddy's family Was filled with deep despair They printed out "LOST" flyers And placed them everywhere Then the father had a thought That he now boasts was profound They should check to see if Buddy Was at the S.P.C.A. pound From his cage within the shelter Buddy spied his little mate He barked and pranced excitedly He was in a frantic state Buddy should have been embarrassed Because he knew he'd misbehaved But he frisked with such excitement At the knowledge he'd be saved Buddy knew he should be scolded And given a light slap But his family fussed and cuddled him They loved the little chap For Buddy and his master This was a very special day They looked forward to the happy times When again they'd run and play Buddy now has a new collar With address and name engraved But he'll never wander off again He's so happy he was saved Buddy had one day of freedom But it's freedom that he hated He reckons for a little pup Freedom can be over rated Freedom can mean many things But all other things above Buddy reckons that true freedom Is to play games and to love He can't forget that frightful day When he found the world so cold But he now brims with new knowledge Though he's only four months old He had found this world a sad world When he wandered off afar But this world can be a happy world It depends on where you are Each evening when the shadows fall His master takes him in his bed And the world he once thought frightening Is a wondrous world instead His eyes of love embrace his master And he makes this little boast A dog just cant help being happy When with the ones who love him most Buddy licks his master's hand With love he can't contain And as he snuggles near his master He vows he'll never roam again. NOTES: My sincere thanks to Alvin for the information he and his mother supplied concerning his lost puppy. K.D. Abbott © 2010 |
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